Gland Packing 9036 can be used to seal all chemicals except liquid gas and liquid alkali metals where contamination is not permitted.
Gland Packing 9036 can be applied to Rotary and reciprocating pumps, mixers, agitators, etc.
Tombo 9036 is a pure TFE Fiber Packing but with a highly enhanced capability for high speed shaft sealing with the addition of inactive and heat resistant agents. It retains the same features as 9034 resistance to large dimensional chemical and mechanical stability attacks, effective seals with low gland pressure etc.
Because TFE is low in thermal conductivity and large in thermal expansion, friction heat is not carried out outside the filling box but is trapped inside and damages the packing, so the TOMBO 9034 is not recommended for high-speed pumps.
Service pressure: 50kgf / cm2.
Max. PV Value: 125kgf / cm2.m / sec.
Shaft speed: 8 m / s.
Service temperature: 260 ° C.
pH Range: 0-14.
Measures: 3.2, 4.8, 6.4, 7.9, 9.5, 11.1, 12.7, 15.9, 19.0, 22.2, 25.4.
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